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Of, relating to, or being an amateur, usually competitive activity in which only women take part: the annual powder-puff football game.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.powder-puff - used of competitive activities in which only women take part; "powder-puff baseball"; "a powder-puff football game"
feminine - associated with women and not with men; "feminine intuition"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Davis observed, pausing from dabbing the end of her nose with a powder-puff. "Dearest, we'll just have to wash them."
A few aloe plants and some chance-sown pellitory grew on the tops of the square pillars of the gates, which all but concealed the stems of a couple of thornless acacias that raised their tufted spikes, like a pair of green powder-puffs, in the yard.
A ruck in the tunnel, a yellow card for Sam Underhill, some powder-puff defence, 13 penalties conceded all added up to a desperate day for England.
TONY Pulis called Albion's first half display 'powder-puff' and warned his Albion team they are far from safe.
They had enough after watching the powder-puff tackling of some of the Blues team and decided action was necessary with renowned hardman and Pontypridd legend Dale McIntosh taking over with immediate effect.
TEAM LLANELLI BRIDGEND 46 36 LOTS of running and passing, 13 tries and powder-puff tackling gave the Parc y Scarlets crowd plenty of action and excitement.
London, July 6 ( ANI ): Australian spin legend Shane Warne has slammed the country's Ashes squad as 'powder-puff' and 'squidgy', saying that the players have gone soft and have not been aggressive enough in the build-up to the Ashes.
Aston Villa can build on their 6-1 rout of Sunderland by beating a powder-puff Norwich outfit.
Carew's acting skills are likely to come in very useful in Italy - especially when he needs to convince officials he's been fouled following a powder-puff challenge from an opponent.
They are usually so well contested but Everton were just powder-puff.
Contrary to Stuart Gallacher''s comments, and whether we like it or not, what we have isn''t working - Just William ON GAVIN HENSON'S LATEST RUGBY COMEBACK AT TOULON: I couldn''t care less if Henson carried a powder-puff and mirror with him wherever he went.