possible action

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Noun1.possible action - a possible alternative; "bankruptcy is always a possibility"
alternative, option, choice - one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen; "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative"; "my only choice is to refuse"
possible - something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"
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References in classic literature ?
No possible action of any flood could thus hav modelled the land, either within the valley or along the ope coast; and by the formation of such step-like plains or terraces the valley itself had been hollowed out.
Quietly, with the least possible action, Dona Rita moved it to the other side of her motionless person.
As I proceeded I began to speculate upon the possible actions of Raja when we should enter the presence of other men than myself.
Fulham announced in a statement the club will take "the strongest possible action".
Fulham's statement said: "Should the perpetrators be identified, the club will be taking the strongest possible action."
The ECP, however, has left the door open for possible action against PTI candidate, Abidur Rehman, after the election.
On this occasion he told media that government will not let smugglers continue with their activities and every possible action would be taken to put them behind bars.
She shared that she met the small business owners who complained of the inflation, adding the government had sent notices to concerned authorities to take any possible action to eliminate the artificial price hike immediately.
I urge the concerned authorities not to be lethargic and take possible action as soon as possible to resolve the matter before its intensification.
While talking to people he assures them every possible action will be taken to solve issues and problems of the people.
UNITED have promised to 'take the strongest possible action we can' against individuals involved in the racist abuse of Ashley Young on social media.
'Senior leaders of JKLF are most likely to face detention,' another senior police officer told Greater Kashmir when asked about India's possible action against the party.