posing pouch


posing pouch

[ˈpəʊzɪŋˌpaʊtʃ] Ntanga m, marcapaquete m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
With Frank 'n' Furter, the well-known "sweet Transexual, Transylvanian" revving up to strut his stuff for the 5.30pm first house of the Rocky Horror Show, and with Rocky himself probably easing himself into his leopard skin posing pouch, the time seemed right to join in the fun.
Her "It shouldn't happen to a clergywoman" story revealed how an elderly parishioner mistakenly thought a Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer posing pouch was a festive purse and donated it to the church's Yuletide Bring and Buy sale.
Do they realise how ridiculous they look?" I turned to him and enquired if that was a Union Jack motif on the posing pouch he was squeezed into.
Will it be the posing pouch, the stockings or the nipple tassels that have to go?
In his haste to whip off the larger undercrackers, he inadvertently dislodged the carefully placed posing pouch to give more than a flash of what he keeps in his lunchbox.
You might well be reading this on the internet - in which case ladies, you are probably missing the picture of me in a studded-leather posing pouch that accompanies this column in the paper.
Despite some initial reluctance, nearly all the staff went totally starkers - except for one man, who wore a posing pouch, and one of two female workers, who kept on black underwear.
Since then it's become a common sight to see him dusting the shelves in his posing pouch.
"I appeared in a posing pouch with a feather duster in Little Britain, so I have no shame left, and neither do my family - they went to school the day after it was screened, they've had to live with that.
But Beddoe was regularly seen on stage in his posing pouch, tanned and oiled up for competitions.