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Related to polymathy: polygamy, Renaissance man


A person of great or varied learning.

[Greek polumathēs : polu-, poly- + manthanein, math-, to learn; see mendh- in Indo-European roots.]

pol′y·math′, pol′y·math′ic adj.
po·lym′a·thy (pə-lĭm′ə-thē) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the possession of learning in many fields. — polymath, n., adj.
See also: Knowledge
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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'POLYMATHY' is a word derived from two Greek roots meaning 'much' and 'to learn'.
Duncan Liddel (1561-1613): Networks of Polymathy and the Northern European Renaissance
While intellectual polymathy has largely given way to the rise of the specialist, businesses that cast their interests far and wide continue to thrive.
According to Politis, President Anastasiades and DISY head Averof Neophytou decided to offer Pitsillides the spot as a reward for his polymathy and linguistic fluency, both written and oral -- traits the young theologian most certainly possesses.
4), all while demonstrating his polymathy during his speech.
Heilbron's emphasis on Galileo's polymathy is a more accessible and undoubtedly valuable aspect of the book.
But it's equally true that polymathy was especially encouraged by more loosely professionalized cultures.
I understood that despite media vocality on "New Sudan on a New Basis" by its mediocre acolytes the reality remains; their incapacity and unwillingness to bridge the gap between the rhetoric and action while they claim political polymathy. After the Convention, my projection became true as the occasion turned out to be a scam with upside down mockery to democracy; leaders choosing their own voters without a clear party programme.
Wootton was distinguished not only by her polymathy and academic distinction (Bean, 1989) but also by her ability to communicate effectively with academics, laypeople, and even politicians (Bottomley, 1979).
To this cocktail of contradiction must be added the qualities of the man himself, with all his strengths and human frailties: a talented artist who raised himself from the 'utmost abyss of penury' and gained the lifelong friendship and support of an influential group of aristocratic patrons, Stuart was an autodidact driven to polymathy through natural curiosity who exhibited 'a sheer joy in designing'.
In short, because of his polymathy. We have already seen his interest in the sciences of the mlecchas.