pleasure steamer


pleasure steamer

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Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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Little pleasure steamers, black with people, are coming and going all the time; and everywhere one sees young girls and young men paddling about in fanciful rowboats, or skimming along by the help of sails when there is any wind.
That, claims Mr Coleman, referred to inquests into the deaths of 51 partygoers after the 1989 Thames collision between the Marchioness pleasure steamer and the dredger Bowbelle.
An offer of assistance from the pleasure steamer Glen Usk was accepted and the motor-boat towed back to Cardiff where Mr Boyce was advised that it would be dangerous to attempt a rescue of the remaining passengers until the morning.
The old Pleasure Steamer Waverley at Greenock is colourfully evoked in Colin Stansfield's watercolour, and yachts at sea are stirringly conveyed by Patricia Keane in her acrylics, Cowes.
Built as PS Barry in 1907 for the Barry Railway Company, the ship spent the first few years of her life as a pleasure steamer.
steamer by a uniformed sailor, while soldiers are stopped from boarding a pleasure steamer by a uniformed officer because the ship is full of evacuees, in 1940.
The village came into its own on 3 September 1878, as the residents were on hand to rescue survivors from the biggest recorded shipping disaster in British peacetime waters when a pleasure steamer called the Princess Alice was hit by an 890 ton collier (coal ship), the Bywell Castle.
Able seaman Robert Endacott becomes the commander of a River Dart pleasure steamer.
Pleasure steamer Waverley damaged a paddle and was forced to drop anchor.
FEARS have been raised that a classic pleasure steamer which is a familiar fixture on the Welsh coastline may never sail again.
In July of 1947 the ship was sent to the Mediterranean to intercept Exodus 1947 - a converted pleasure steamer carrying 4,500 Jews hoping to establish a new homeland in Palestine.
Among them was Galloping Gertie, a pleasure steamer whose usual home was ferrying holidaying families around the Bristol Channel from Barry to Ilfracombe, Tenby and back.