place of business

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Related to place of business: business firm, principal place of business
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: of business - an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are renderedplace of business - an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
establishment - a public or private structure (business or governmental or educational) including buildings and equipment for business or residence
gambling den, gambling hell, gambling house, gaming house - a public building in which a variety of games of chance can be played (operated as a business)
health club, health spa, spa - a place of business with equipment and facilities for exercising and improving physical fitness
casino-hotel, hotel-casino - a business establishment that combines a casino and a hotel
massage parlor - a business establishment that offers therapeutic massage
mercantile establishment, outlet, retail store, sales outlet - a place of business for retailing goods
business office, office - place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed; "he rented an office in the new building"
spot - a business establishment for entertainment; "night spot"
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References in classic literature ?
He had accepted her impersonally along with the office furnishing, the office boy, Morrison, the chief, confidential, and only clerk, and all the rest of the accessories of a superman's gambling place of business. Had he been asked any
Bullfrog and I came together as a unit, we took two seats in the stage-coach and began our journey towards my place of business. There being no other passengers, we were as much alone and as free to give vent to our raptures as if I had hired a hack for the matrimonial jaunt.
At last, when we got to his place of business and he pulled out his key from his coat-collar, he looked as unconscious of his Walworth property as if the Castle and the drawbridge and the arbour and the lake and the fountain and the Aged, had all been blown into space together by the last discharge of the Stinger.
"I have to use this room as a place of business," he said, "and these people are my clients." Again I had an opportunity of asking him a point blank question, and again my delicacy prevented me from forcing another man to confide in me.
Hepzibah blundered to and fro about her small place of business, committing the most unheard-of errors: now stringing up twelve, and now seven, tallow-candles, instead of ten to the pound; selling ginger for Scotch snuff, pins for needles, and needles for pins; misreckoning her change, sometimes to the public detriment, and much oftener to her own; and thus she went on, doing her utmost to bring chaos back again, until, at the close of the day's labor, to her inexplicable astonishment, she found the money-drawer almost destitute of coin.
Bruff at his place of business. I drove from the railway to his private residence at Hampstead, and disturbed the old lawyer dozing alone in his dining-room, with his favourite pug-dog on his lap, and his bottle of wine at his elbow.
Lastly, she was guardian over a little armoury of cutlasses and carbines, arrayed in vengeful order above one of the official chimney-pieces; and over that respectable tradition never to be separated from a place of business claiming to be wealthy - a row of fire-buckets - vessels calculated to be of no physical utility on any occasion, but observed to exercise a fine moral influence, almost equal to bullion, on most beholders.
The Refuge was close by the coach-maker's place of business. Under the circumstances, Mercy was emboldened to make use of the man.
'Sometimes; but her regular hours and regular occupation are at their place of business, I believe, sir.
When I dined regularly and handsomely, I had a saveloy and a penny loaf, or a fourpenny plate of red beef from a cook's shop; or a plate of bread and cheese and a glass of beer, from a miserable old public-house opposite our place of business, called the Lion, or the Lion and something else that I have forgotten.
As it was not my place of business I felt it to be the proper thing to show the money to the proprietor.
In my father's earlier time, and in his uncle's time before him, it was a place of business--really a place of business, and business resort.