petite bourgeoise

pe•tite bour•geoise

(pəˈtit bʊərˈʒwɑz)

n., pl. pe•tites bour•geoises (pəˈtit bʊərˈʒwɑz)
a woman who belongs to the petite bourgeoisie.
[1850–55; < French; feminine of petit bourgeois]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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However, Mailer's unpublished postage stamp-size story, "La Petite Bourgeoise," affords an example of some of the qualities prized in an effective short piece.
In fact, the title (not the content) of the story under discussion here, "La Petite Bourgeoise," has echoes of Flaubert's protege, Guy de Maupassant, or even Alphonse Daudet.
Pecanha's prototype is the author primarily concerned with the middle-class female urbanite and petite bourgeoise of more combative times.
Once again, we are honored to open our pages with an unpublished story by Mailer, "La Petite Bourgeoise," which was composed circa 1951.
"LA PETITE BOURGEOISE," a short story by Norman Mailer, was never