peace march

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Noun1.peace march - a protest march against (a particular) war and in favor of peacepeace march - a protest march against (a particular) war and in favor of peace
protest march - occasion when you can express opposition by marching (usually on some government institution) without a license
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References in periodicals archive ?
The Council of Black Led Churches (CBLC) will join with other community groups in the city on July 15 for a peace march from the Wallace Lawler Centre in Wheeler Street to Handsworth Park, where there will be a rally with speakers, poets, music, dance, and a bouncy castle for children.
Police Officers of the FBiH Police Administration will participate in this year's Peace March, held within the marking of the anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica and its surroundings.
Bodh Gaya (Bihar), Feb.6 ( ANI ): Buddhist monks in Bihar's Bodh Gaya District took part in a peace march recently to promote world peace.
Al-Sessi said that likes such criminal acts will further strengthen the position of the peace advocates, calling on the non signatory movements to join the peace march.
It urged all responsible stakeholders to get to gather and formulate a policy so that these drone attacks should be immediately stopped as stressed in the purpose behind the Peace March recently carried out by the party.
Addressing the people gathered to welcome the march, Imran Khan said the peace march is aimed at showing solidarity with the people of the tribal areas.
The peace march, which will start from the Murooj Rotana Hotel at 4pm on Friday and end at the World Trade Centre, will include balloons, parachutes, sky divers and helicopters bearing images of peace while bikers and cars bearing peace flags will drive through the city.
On Saturday Glasgow will see it's biggest-ever peace march, where ordinary people will demonstrate against the hard line pursued by Tony Blair and George Bush.
A conversation with a friend whose boyfriend is a Catholic from the Falls Road area of Belfast brought up the idea of a peace march every year on July 12.
All the necessary preparations have been made, and as far as the Peace March is concerned, it can start tomorrow.
Commenting on the Peace March of Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, he said that he has met to the US citizens who participated in the Peace March, but US will not change its policy after a single march or incident.
Marchers at the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) South Waziristan peace march were prohibited by the military to enter the tribal areas.