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1. Of, relating to, or filled with passion.
2. Grounded in or relating to emotion rather than intellect.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


of, relating to, or due to passion or the passions
(Theology) a book recounting the sufferings of Christian martyrs or saints
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈpæʃ ə nl)

of, pertaining to, or marked by passion.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
It went through Saxon until she was as this instrument, swept with passional strains.
But this two-legged god-devil did not rage blindly and was incapable of passional heat.
Emily Dickinson's expressed desire to moor her emotional and passional self in her lover in "Wild Nights, Wild Nights!" anticipates the nautical imagery in The House of Mirth that suggests that a woman is only safe if her emotions find safe harbor in a man.
O dominio da ironia, que o senso comum vedava as mulheres ao longo dos seculos, afirmando que a atitude passional e pouco intelectual fazia delas inimigas naturais do "senso da ironia", aponta para um uso polifonico e excepcionalmente ativo do discurso, que mobiliza, de forma intensa, a atividade interpretativa do interlocutor.
O feminino, em sua essencia, e plural, mas, de forma geral, temos um contato fragmentado com ele: a mulher passional, subjugada, resignada, lirica, sensual, dentre muitos outros estereotipos do feminino, afinal o discurso artistico, de modo geral, prioriza uma das tantas faces femininas, muito embora a mulher presente no mundo descortine-se diante de nos em sua multiplicidade.
O continuo atmosferico e esse emaranhado de fatos da politica, do esporte, das telenovelas, do ultimo crime passional, da nova tendencia da moda, do escandalo da celebridade, que duram 15 minutos ou 15 dias, as vezes semanas ou meses, mas sao volateis, etereos, gasosos.
As vezes, tal debate ganha o tom passional que marca a discussao atual sobre o aborto no Brasil, embora pesquisas cientificas comprovem que esse metodo nao e abortivo (Drezett, 2009; Brasil, 2006; Faundes, Barzellato, 2004).
Se, por um lado, ele sustenta que "para o historiador, basta constatar que a antiga sociedade grega alojou a forma mais caracteristica e mais nobre do amor no intercurso passional entre homens ou, mais precisamente, entre um mais velho, adulto, e uma adolescente" (Ibidem.), por outro, ele condena a efetivacao carnal desse amor, remetendo-a para o campo das "monstruosas aberracoes" (Ibidem, p.
Many of the things Kingham says are reminiscent of Lawrence: for example, Kingham describes the narrator's alleged idleness as a "sin against the Holy Ghost," then curses the Bible, asking: "Why is it that one can never talk about anything serious without getting mixed up in it?" Wilkes notes Kingham's fondness for the word "passional" (131), and is guilty, according to Kingham, of "spiritual impotence": "Your morality, your art," he continues, "they're just impotence organized into systems.
22), reconstituted from wrappers and representative of a multivolume passional from Christ Church, contains additions by the Dutch scribe Theoderic Werken, who worked for the cathedral in the 1470s.
Fuller's all-encompassing desire to "grow," as she described her "only object in life," (32) is essentially what Hawthorne understood by Eros, which included but was not reducible to sexuality, and which discomforted him not only because it unleashed anarchic passional energies but because its open exploration of self and world threatened the fragile illusions of moral and metaphysical belief.