park bench

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Noun1.park bench - a bench in a public parkpark bench - a bench in a public park    
bench - a long seat for more than one person
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park bench

nParkbank f
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References in classic literature ?
He set his face down this toward Madison Square, for the homing instinct survives even when the home is a park bench.
Mr Rees told the jury of eight women and four men: "As he walked into the heart of the park, he saw what he initially thought was a blowup doll resting on a park bench. "At first, he dismissed it as some sort of prank and continued with his walk.
The study participants were virtually placed in a standard sensory booth, a pleasant park bench, and the cow barn to see custom-recorded 360-degree videos.
| Bookings:, 0115 989 5555 FIVE BLUE HAIRED LADIES SITTING ON A GREEN PARK BENCH Guildhall, Derby, June 20 to 23 THEY should know better but Anna, Eva, Gladys, La La and Rose like to party and the five blue haired ladies - 80 going on 18 - enjoy being outrageous and mischievous.
They will be performing 'The Zoo' by Edward Albee, set on a park bench in Central Park, New York and 'The Cagebirds' in which six individuals are locked in a 'cage' by the mysterious Mistress.
Plea for return of park bench Sir - May I through your newspaper draw readers attention to the plight of Parky McBench.
PALS have grave fears for Jeremy McConnell after he was found dishevelled on a park bench after a fourday bender.
As he describes on a Facebook page he created to chronicle his park bench ministry:
If someone threatens to jump off a park bench only send three cars, and only one car if someone threatens to jump off a curb.
Appleyard was arrested after being found sitting on a park bench with the male victim and two other 14-year-old boys.
The officer, who found him slumped on a park bench, was told by the on a park bench, was told by the OAP: "F "F*** you, I will put bullets in your f*** f ing head.