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1. the possession of universal knowledge. Cf. pansophy.
2. the claim to such enlightenment. — pansophist, n. — pansophistical, adj.
See also: Knowledge
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Aptly described by Atwood as the Unity's last and most eminent theologian (398), Comenius may nevertheless have embodied the frustrations of a movement whose dedication to universal education and pansophism attempted reconciliation of too many divergent views of the world.
Universality, for Comenius, was expressed as pansophism, the integration of all knowledge "into one, all-embracing, harmonious world-view." (4) The missionary intent of his universality evidenced itself not in its attempt at comprehensive knowledge but in viewing knowledge as a reconciling principle.
The various influences upon his life, together with the development of his system of pansophism, brought him to the conclusion that missionary work must be an essential practice for the true church.