overt operation

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overt operation

An operation conducted openly, without concealment. See also clandestine operation; covert operation.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.overt operation - the collection of intelligence openly without concealment
intelligence activity, intelligence operation, intelligence - the operation of gathering information about an enemy
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
When my sons were growing up, I tried to coddle and feed my sons' friends (overt operation).
The PNSC report said that any covert or overt operation on Pakistani soil would need parliament's approval.
the crowds as part of a massive covert and overt operation to avoid an
Snipers will take to rooftops and undercover officers will mingle among the crowds as part of a massive covert and overt operation to avoid an atrocity.
The time and cost savings of an overt operation outweigh the effort of maintaining secrecy for a covert one, and a penetration test performed with no prior knowledge provides the realism that matters most; it helps the company assess the amount of sensitive information available to outsiders and how potential cyber-criminals would go about gathering and using such information.
While it is understandable that the government may want to keep its steps towards curtailing terror financing private, there has not been an overt operation against this menace.
"It is interesting to know that 4 minutes after the first missile hit the target, the US aircraft immediately flew over the region, meaning that it was an overt operation," General Hajizadeh said.
Ms Owens said: "In terms of all the groups that currently have entries made on their websites and other things, we are currently engaged in a significant covert and overt operation.
Nuremberg, having been nearly wiped from the face of the earth during the harsh fighting, becomes an arena for ruthless struggles in both hidden and overt operations. Nazis are still operating underground, spies weave their intrigues, politicians and diplomats make bargains, and movie stars dazzle the public.
In Guatemala in 1953 the CIA instigated the overthrow of the democratically elected Arbenz government, setting off decades of covert and overt operations against the people of Guatemala in favor of - at the time - United Fruit (Chiquita).
Doval is a master spy chief , expert in covert and overt operations. He was trained by Israelis and he is influenced to Mossad way of working , where norm is kill the adversary with full force.
We shall expand both covert and overt operations in all counties until sanity in governance is restored," Twalib told the Star.