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Related to oversaturation: resubmit, call on, exposed to


the act or instance of saturating excessively
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References in periodicals archive ?
"It has been more resilient than categories such as apparel that have been plagued by worries about oversaturation and potential damage from the trade war with China.
But as concerns about the oversaturation of opioid painkillers in the nation's hospitals mounted, ketamine began to see more attention.
Taking into account the oversaturation of the local car park, it is easy to assume that there will be a complete lull in the market.
While many are worried about the possible oversaturation of the condo and apartment market, Gootee pointed to more short-term rentals coming to the area, particularly along Canal Street.
Assuming a DIC of 2,300 [micro]mol/kg (seawater DIC), the oversaturation was 30-fold.
This is particularly relevant as, given the oversaturation of mobile-phone subscriptions in the Philippines, Mislatel expects to garner customers from existing Smart and Globe subscribers rather than new users.
While lawyers from across the commonwealth struggled to define the exact cause of lawyer dysfunction, citing everything from long hours, an oversaturation of technology and demands of clients, few could argue with self-reported statistics that suggest high rates of alcoholism, depression and anxiety within the profession.
OKAY is a cost-efficient way for retailers to cover all categories without oversaturation of brands."
The fact there is much talk within the hotel sector regarding oversaturation has been, to all intents a purposes, like red rag to a bull for IHG.
The other is the oversaturation of certain markets.
"At a time when a seemingly unlimited number of advertising vehicles are available to marketers, these professionals are struggling more than ever to get the attention and business of consumers because of oversaturation," SheerID CEO Jake Weatherly said in a press release.