operational requirement

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operational requirement

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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First, not every operational requirement has the very highest priority.
Support will be tailored based on operational requirements to include the full range of NOLSC expertise.
Some initial issues were: SOS integration after the fact; undefined communications and network architectures; ABCS good enough not being in current Army documentation; operational requirements documents (ORDs) in various stages of approval (all had to be reworked); executing program development against ORDs in staffing; undeveloped Basis of Issue Plans (BOIPs); the need for operational architecture development for different levels of command (light and heavy brigades and divisions, Stryker Brigade Combat Teams [SBCTs], Corps, and units under the modularity concept); operational threads under development (and a need for global data formats), the need for a publish-and-subscribe matrix; and the mapping of publish-and-subscribe XML and threads to ORDs.
The operational requirement for "real time" mission critical imagery spawned the concept of Eagle Vision.
He said that resources would be readjusted as per need and operational requirement of the districts.
Four pages in all, our RDC submission included a brief description of the operational requirement and urgency of the threat; the range of available AIS products; quantities required; identification of funding; deployment date; logistics and maintenance support requirements; plans for testing; and manpower, personnel, and training requirements for fielding.
In support of the Department of the Army's accelerated priority fielding to the 82nd Airborne Division for the DVE system and the division's operational requirement for thermal night vision driving capability, PM FLIR fielded DVE systems to all Improved Target Acquisition Systems companies within the division's infantry battalions.
Combat developers from the Army, the Marine Corps, and SOCOM scrubbed the existing requirements documents and found a very large degree of overlap between the two Services' operational requirement documents for the command post systems and the two Service ORDs for the platform systems.
Following the Operation Provide Promise experience, Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC)'s Combined Arms Support Command took the initiative and developed an operational requirement for low cost airdrop capabilities, which was validated by TRADOC.

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