office girl

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office girl

A girl or young woman employed in a business office to do odd jobs and errands.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Whereas Fiona, one of the actresses portraying a civil servant in the film, highlighted the office girl's role in the film by stating, "the balance of them being employees and she is the office girl and the imbalance of them being afraid of her instead of the other way around."
Pair it with a white tank top, red lip and slick back hair for the ultimate (non-boring) modern office girl look.
Joe Meno is the editor of Chicago Noir: The Classics and the author of best-selling novels including Office Girl, Hairstyles of the Damned, and The Boy Detective Fails.
Attached was a note in his shaky scrawl: 'In case you need a bus ticket home.' How many wealthy, well-known men would take time to do that for some random office girl who had only worked for them a few months?
The Social Network's Jesse Eisenberg is underappreciated office drone Simon whose miserable existence is made worse with the appearance of his doppelganger who exploits his talent and starts dating the apple of his eye, Mia Wasikowska's office girl.
The Social Network's Jesse Eisenberg is under-appreciated office drone Simon whose miserable existence is made worse with the appearance of his doppelganger who exploits his talent and starts dating the apple of his eye, office girl Mia Wasikowska.
London, January 26 ( ANI ): An office girl, who had a graphic email chat with her fiance about their sex life, was left red faced after she accidentally sent it to her colleagues.
THE office girl who captured the heart of Olympic champion Usain Bolt during the London Games has ended their romance because he lives too far away.
Martha joined Motown 50 years ago as an office girl in A&R but within a year was recording her debut album.
Office girl Kelly, 20, said: "I went straight to the pound but got there too late as they were locking up.
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