obituary notice

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obituary notice

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Tollmidge, related, it is said, to the late well-known connoisseur, Lord Lydiard." In the next sentence the writer of the obituary notice deplored the destitute condition of Mrs.
"I've no doubt the papers would give you an obituary notice then.
"I've been reading obituary notices," said Miss Cornelia, laying down the Daily Enterprise and taking up her sewing.
You and the young lady are worth more than Armstrong's obituary notices."
An obituary notice stated Mrs Collins is survived by "her loving husband Steve, sons Paul, Steven Jnr and Ryan, daughter Leanne, grandchildren, daughtersin-law and partners, sisters, brothers, the extended Lee and Collins families and large circle of friends."
For full obituary notice please visit McMurrough Funeral Chapel, 847-362-2626.
In an Obituary notice published Sunday, the Ministry of Culture Affairs expressed deep sadness and sympathy for the passing of great actor Moncef Lazaar who had several Tunisian dramatic works and not less than fifty plays.
Sakamoto's biggest challenge late in his life was battling cancer, and many thought he was going to become an obituary notice.
It's a reflection of his noble modesty that he strictly advised his family not to publish even a customary obituary notice. Such was his penchant for living and serving in a quiet, humble, under-stated manner.
In an obituary notice his family said he was the dearly loved son of John and Liz and the much-loved brother of Matthew and Gemma.
The man suspected to have booked the obituary notice bearing the photograph of businessman Jimi Wanjigi.
After a newspaper ran a premature obituary notice for Mark Twain, the author famously announced, reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.