nuevo sol

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nuevo sol

(ˈnweɪvəʊ ˈsɒl)
(Currencies) the Spanish name for new sol
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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10 top value destinations Change in exchange rate for PS500 compared to last Feb Dominican Rep, peso, -16.7% up PS71.63 Costa Rica, colon, -16.6% up PS71.29 Turkey, lira, -16.5% up PS70.69 Brazil, real, -15.7% up PS67.79 Indonesia, rupiah, -14.1% up PS61.97 Hong Kong, dollar, -12.4% up PS55.05 East Caribbean, dollar, -12% up PS53.38 Peru, nuevo sol, -11.6% up PS52.14 Oman, rial, -11.6% up PS51.88 US, dollar, -11.6% up PS51.83 And 8 to avoid...
Demuestra que ha salido un nuevo sol, hecho al tamano de la vitalidad de la cultura yumana, como bien lo dice uno de los mitos de la creacion que transcribo:
Meanwhile, sales of Peru's nuevo sol are up by 19% for the year to date, compared with a year earlier.
With Peru's consumer electronics market highly dependent on imported devices, nuevo sol depreciation was a drag on demand growth, and we expect there to be further pressure on af fordability in 2016.
Nuevo Sol depreciation will squeeze sales by raising the price of imported hardware, before a medium term growth trend derived from rising incomes for Peruvian households.
Al hacer el analisis de los efectos marginales, es decir, cuanto varia la DAP cuando una variable explicadora cambia en una unidad y las demas permanecen constantes (Riera et al., 2005; Chaves, 2008), se observo que si el ingreso familiar aumenta en un nuevo sol (S/1.00) la DAP resultante aumentaria tambien en 1.00 nuevo sol, es decir a mayor nivel de ingreso mayor disposicion a pagar por el PCMP.