notalgia paresthetica

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Related to notalgia paresthetica: Meralgia paresthetica

notalgia paresthetica

n notalgia parestésica
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References in periodicals archive ?
Notalgia paresthetica (NP) is a common, yet seldom reported condition characterized by chronic pruritus in the interscapular and paravertebral region with periodic remissions and exacerbations.
Notalgia paresthetica and multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 2a: a case report.
The signs and symptoms of DSN neuropathy bear a striking resemblance to several other diagnoses or findings in the cervicothoracic, scapular and posterolateral arm areas including cervicogenic dorsalgia (CD), notalgia paresthetica (NP), SICK scapula and a posterolateral arm pain pattern.
This feature has not been described in the literature pertaining to DSN irritation although it has been mentioned with regard to notalgia paresthetica. (11)
The location of the pruritic area and the patient's clinical presentation led us to diagnose notalgia paresthetica. NP is a common dermatologic complaint characterized by unilateral pruritus that is medial or inferior to the scapula with dermatomal distribution.
Notalgia paresthetica (NP) is a neuropathy with unknown cause of thoracic spinal nerves T2-T6, particularly their dorsal branches.
Notalgia paresthetica and brachioradial pruritus are two examples of severe itches that arise in the peripheral nervous system rather than on the skin.
Notalgia paresthetica and brachioradial pruritus are two distinct examples of severe itches that arise in the peripheral nervous system rather than on the skin.
* Notalgia paresthetica. This itch occurs on the upper back between the shoulder blades, usually to one side of the midline.
Radiographic evidence obtained from some of his patients suggests that, as with notalgia paresthetica, arthritic changes or disc protrusion correlate with the itchy area.