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(naɪˈtrɒksɪl) or


1. (Chemistry) the chemical compound HNO
2. (Chemistry) the nitro group NO2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The conversion of the hydroxyl to carboxyl groups is often employed to gain new functionalities in the cellulose chain, especially by using the water-soluble stable nitroxyl radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpyperidine-l-oxyl (TEMPO) [5-8], but also involving the nonpersistent nitroxyl radicals, as we have recently reported [6, 9, 10].
Antioxidant and pro-oxidant actions of flavonoids: effects on DNA damage induced by nitric oxide, peroxynitrite and nitroxyl anion.
It was suggested that nitroxyl hydride (HNO) might be generated by archaeal AMO, which could be subsequently oxidized to N[O.sub.2.sup.-] via nitroxyl oxidoreductase (NxOR) [14].
Meanwhile, TEMPO plays a key role in chemistry and biology as an organic redox catalyst for alcohol, aldehydes, and ketones [16-21] and has shown its catalytic oxidation potential to [H.sub.2][O.sub.2] due to the electrochemical oxidation of stable nitroxyl radical [22, 23].
They considered a detailed kinetic mechanism that included chemical initiation, reversible nitroxyl ether decomposition, monomer dimerization, thermal initiation, propagation, the equilibrium between propagating and dormant radicals, alkoxyamine decomposition, rate enhancement, transfer to monomer and dimer, and conventional termination.
It involves various NO-derivatives, such as NO radical, nitroxyl anion (NO-), peroxynitrite (ONOO-), and S-nitrosothiols (SNOs).
The nitrogen-centered radicals include nitric oxide (NO*) and nitrogen dioxide (N[O.sub.2]*), whereas nitrogen-centered nonradicals are peroxynitrite (ONO[O.sup.-]), alkyl peroxynitrite (ROONO), nitroxyl anion (N[O.sup.-]), nitrous acid (HN[O.sub.2]), and so on [50].