municipal court

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munic′ipal court′

a court whose jurisdiction is confined to a city or municipality, with criminal jurisdiction usu. corresponding to that of a police court and civil jurisdiction over small cases.
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Thousands of people have lost their jobs, homes, children, and are humiliated under the current system of municipal court justice as it exists in some judicial districts in the state of Missouri.
--Kinloch municipal court features a cardboard box where fines--cash-only --are collected and dogs are on hand to keep order.
Lebanese citizens Ali Fayyad and Khaled Merehbi and Ivory Coast citizen Faouzi Jaber, who is of Lebanese origins, are charged in the United States with aiding terrorism, attempting to sell ground-to-air missiles, cocaine trafficking and other crimes, Prague Municipal Court spokeswoman Marketa Puci said.
But the effort is attracting relatively few participants, despite a renewed emphasis on municipal court reform after Brown's death last summer in Ferguson.
The case stemmed from the "unlawful detainer" complaint filed in the municipal court by Sen.
A Cleveland Municipal Court judge ordered 32-year-old Shena Hardin to serve the highly public sentence for one hour Tuesday and Wednesday.
"Plano Municipal Court is replacing three disparate systems with Incode and this integration will eliminate manual processes and aid in helping the court meet performance measures; we anticipate that eventually we will have to raise our performance standards because of Incode's success," said Plano Court Administrator Vicki Smith.
It's being called the biggest digital transformation of a municipal court in the United States, and other cities are watching closely.
In June 2007 the municipal court agreed to freeze the razing, but the municipality issued an appeal to the central court, and at the end of the same year it was accepted.
In August last year, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court ordered Mu Sochua, a lawmaker from the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, to pay 16,500,000 riel ($4,000) after she was convicted of defamation in a case brought against her by Hun Sen.
Early this year, a municipal court judge ruled against her; "common sense," he held, suggests that given the purpose of high-occupancy vehicle lanes, an individual passenger must occupy a "separate and distinct" space in the car.
Municipal court judge Gerard Kosinski dismissed the charges against Dawson, which included voluntary manslaughter, but Dawson said he was leaving town to go live with his mother, "Seven guys jumped me, and one guy died.

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