

the activity of attending films at the cinema
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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'It makes us happy, I think we've done a lot on that movie-going culture.
We continue to expect the second half of the year to be better than the first half, and I look forward to continue to leverage our unique position in the media marketplace as the leading company connecting brands to highly-desirable movie audiences throughout their entire movie-going experience."
Distinctive for its twin towers, a variety of windows, niches, urns and a projecting marquee, the theatre recalled a Moorish palace of Spain, tantalizing fare for a movie-going public escaping the hard times of the period.
Al Attar reworks images from movie posters, film prints, and shipping and box-office receipts for popular films from South Asia, the Middle East, and Hollywood, to convey the rich intercultural movie-going traditions of theUAE.
Screenvision Media is a national provider of cinema advertising, offering on-screen advertising, in-lobby promotions and integrated marketing programs to national, regional and local advertisers, and providing comprehensive cinema advertising representation services to top-tier theatrical exhibitors presenting the highest-quality movie-going experiences.
'Avengers: Infinity War' now holds the record for the biggest opening day in Philippine movie-going history, earning P141.6 million.
Moreover, with the Curolux monitoring technology, we are confident of offering the best movie-going experience to audiences at INOX screens.
BEN KENIGSBERG NYT Syndicate Movie-going shouldn't require the expertise of Charlize Theron's secret agent from Atomic Blonde.
IMAX presents Hollywood blockbusters like never before, allowing audiences to go deeper into the world's most innovative movie-going experience with heart-pounding audio and awe-inspiring images in a specially designed auditorium that guarantees complete cinematic immersion.
Taking a fussy baby out even on an quick errand can be stressful, and taking your baby to a movie can cause worry that the crying infant will ruin the movie-going experience.