mitigating circumstance

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Related to mitigating circumstance: Extenuating circumstances
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Noun1.mitigating circumstance - (law) a circumstance that does not exonerate a person but which reduces the penalty associated with the offensemitigating circumstance - (law) a circumstance that does not exonerate a person but which reduces the penalty associated with the offense
consideration, circumstance, condition - information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take"
law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
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References in classic literature ?
Thanks to these mitigating circumstances, and to Julian's inexhaustible good-humor, the aunt and the nephe w generally met on friendly terms.
The American, Abe Slaney, was condemned to death at the winter assizes at Norwich, but his penalty was changed to penal servitude in consideration of mitigating circumstances, and the certainty that Hilton Cubitt had fired the first shot.
Martinson and the State entered into a plea agreement whereby the State agreed to amend charges of first-degree intentional homicide to those of second-degree intentional homicide based upon the mitigating circumstance of adequate provocation.
Duran tried to invoke the 'mitigating circumstance' of being over 70 years old in seeking the reduction of his sentence.
The CA found Espina guilty of simple misconduct and "there being no aggravating or mitigating circumstance," it imposed on him a three-month suspension reckoned from the time he was actually dismissed from service.
We the jury find that (statutory mitigating circumstance) was established by the greater weight of the evidence.
Poyson argued that his drug and alcohol abuse was a statutory mitigating circumstance because it prevented him from appreciating the wrongfulness of his conduct.
The financial sanction could have exceeded BGN 0.5 M (EUR 0.25 M), but the "mitigating circumstance" that Kaufland changed the advert after proceedings were initiated by the watchdog played into the retailer's hands.
Pertinently, even the Supreme Court had on Tuesday held that poverty would be taken as a mitigating circumstance while considering death penalty.
No doubt they will be trained to accept 'I am a Bahraini' as a mitigating circumstance. Almost on a weekly basis we see outrageous rulings being made by Bahrain's courts, where a decision appears to have been made entirely on the colour of the defendant's passport.
He adduces this as a mitigating circumstance for the massacre but does not draw out how that designation fit into the larger, genocidal strategy of the American war effort.
She used this as a mitigating circumstance in sentencing the child to four months in open custody, twelve months on probation, and compulsory psychiatric counselling.