

tr.v. mis·re·port·ed, mis·re·port·ing, mis·re·ports
To report mistakenly or falsely.
An inaccurate or wrong report.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(tr) to report falsely or inaccurately
an inaccurate or false report
ˌmisreˈporter n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: misreported
Gerund: misreporting

I misreport
you misreport
he/she/it misreports
we misreport
you misreport
they misreport
I misreported
you misreported
he/she/it misreported
we misreported
you misreported
they misreported
Present Continuous
I am misreporting
you are misreporting
he/she/it is misreporting
we are misreporting
you are misreporting
they are misreporting
Present Perfect
I have misreported
you have misreported
he/she/it has misreported
we have misreported
you have misreported
they have misreported
Past Continuous
I was misreporting
you were misreporting
he/she/it was misreporting
we were misreporting
you were misreporting
they were misreporting
Past Perfect
I had misreported
you had misreported
he/she/it had misreported
we had misreported
you had misreported
they had misreported
I will misreport
you will misreport
he/she/it will misreport
we will misreport
you will misreport
they will misreport
Future Perfect
I will have misreported
you will have misreported
he/she/it will have misreported
we will have misreported
you will have misreported
they will have misreported
Future Continuous
I will be misreporting
you will be misreporting
he/she/it will be misreporting
we will be misreporting
you will be misreporting
they will be misreporting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been misreporting
you have been misreporting
he/she/it has been misreporting
we have been misreporting
you have been misreporting
they have been misreporting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been misreporting
you will have been misreporting
he/she/it will have been misreporting
we will have been misreporting
you will have been misreporting
they will have been misreporting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been misreporting
you had been misreporting
he/she/it had been misreporting
we had been misreporting
you had been misreporting
they had been misreporting
I would misreport
you would misreport
he/she/it would misreport
we would misreport
you would misreport
they would misreport
Past Conditional
I would have misreported
you would have misreported
he/she/it would have misreported
we would have misreported
you would have misreported
they would have misreported
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Mentioned in ?
References in classic literature ?
The papers made no mention of the book, but they misreported him beautifully.
Newspaper misreports! Surely such things are not stronger than love!
The hero is misconceived and misreported; he cannot therefore wait to unravel any man's blunders; he is again on his road, adding new powers and honors to his domain and new claims on your heart, which will bankrupt you if you have loitered about the old things and have not kept your relation to him by adding to your wealth.
According to evidence heard during the trial, the defendants conspired to misreport the quantities of cigarettes imported via non-EU countries.
(10) We also acknowledge that the analysis presented below is asymmetrical; that is, we only consider whether respondents who are insured through Medicaid misreport as uninsured or as insured through private insurance and do not consider uninsured respondents who incorrectly answer as insured.
An efficient agent facing another efficient agent has an incentive to misreport his type to free ride on the other agent.
For example, it has been shown that rate-of-return regulation creates incentives for the regulated firm to misreport its costs, choose inefficient technologies, undertake cost reducing innovation inefficiently, and view diversification issues inefficiently [Averch and Johnson, 1962; Braeutigam and Panzar, 1989; Tollison and Wagner, 1991; Blackmon, 1994].
Surveys, however are subject to various kinds of error, including the tendency of respondents to misreport their usage of medical services (Groves, 1989).
The Supreme Court, on the request of Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Friday asked media persons not to sensationalize and misreport 3G/4G auction.
GAO was asked for information on (1) the extent and types of noncompliance for individual taxpayers that misreport securities capital gains, (2) actions IRS takes to reduce the securities tax gap, and (3) options with the potential to improve taxpayer voluntary compliance and IRS's ability to address noncompliant taxpayers.
City councillors could be jailed under laws from 1699 if they misreport the affairs of the House of Commons said the Speaker of the Commons.
Our analyses have repeatedly demonstrated that individuals who misreport policy-rating information are associated with high loss experience.