

vb (intr)
to happen as misfortune
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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When all is said and done, the real challenge of the next president is how to make the mishappen and warped "daang matuwid" truly straight and narrow.
What: Illizarov technique, which uses a special frame to straighten mishappen leg bones.
EU anti-fraud office OLAF has stated it has no authority to investigate transactions on Bulgaria's mishappen Belene NPP, in reaction to Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov's warning that he will refer the project to OLAF.
Development work to overcome then criticisms entailed the preparation of a completely new recipe by Boyers departing in many ways from the traditional ingredients The result is a beef sausage containing a greater proportion of meat, which, it is claimed, does not shrink or become mishappen when cooked, and one that retains a succulent flavour.
It's supposed to be knockabout kids fun, but there are some particularly disturbing moments many youngsters may find quite frightening - a herd of mishappen Barbie dolls springing into life to attack their owner en masse, for example.
lettres and otherwise at my being now at Westminster, mishappened at Parrise Garden on Sonday last, and althoughe I thinke your learning derely bought by the losse of so many bodies, to haue the Saboth daie so prophaned to see wilde beastes bayted, yet I think it very conuenient to haue both that and other like prophane assemblies prohibited on the Saboth daie, and if it shalbe requisite to haue such like worldly pastimes, I think some other daie within the weke meter for those purposes, and to that ende I minde to treate with my LLs.