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n, pl -cies
rule by mediocre people
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


government or dominance of society by the médiocre.
See also: Society
government or dominance of society by the mediocre.
See also: Government
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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As it seems, the company is veering away from mediocracy and is pushing the envelope for more sophisticated events.
It captures the pitfalls of the traditional ways of "safe" thinking, which supports conventional ways of leading and doing business, ways that often lead to mediocracy and sometimes lead to the demise of businesses.
The real risk is not complacency or mediocracy, but injury to the ego.
So I set goals and created definable ways I could become better in all areas of my life, and thereby avoid the mediocracy against which Mr.
Civil servants in our country have historically suffered during the regimes of various dictators because they promoted mediocracy and nepotism.
That they are not lowering the standards with regards of our poor backgrounds because that only promotes mediocracy, but helping us aspire for greater heights and cross that line with our highest potentials.
The question is, how can you escape the clutches of mediocracy? And the answer: never settle!
Get rid of formalism and mediocracy. The implementation of information security tools is not a guarantee of protection, especially when you work with them only as the circumstances arise.
Boudewijn devotes seven chapters to a close reading of her body of texts on the main characteristics ascribed to Eurasians: sensuality, 'going Indies' (verindischen), purity, mixed marriages, mediocracy, beastliness, all in a negative sense, and with emancipation as a sole but not undiluted positive trait.
There are different determinants contributing to the construction of anti-Muslim prejudice in the EU-15: lack of education, growing mediocracy, lack of inter-group contact, essentialization of stereotypes by mainstream media, growing sense of insecurity, growing age, gendered differences, and growing populist forms of governance.
"Competitive Careers as a Way to Mediocracy." European Journal of Political Economy, 28(1), 2012, 76-87.