management union

management union

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a union that represents managers in negotiations with their employers concerning terms and conditions of employment
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Abante, a former congressman from 2004 to 2010, refuted claims that their group will only be a management union.
Sarah Jane Raymundo (Convenor of UP Kilos Na), and Emmanuel Leyco (President of Asian Institute of Management Union).
Topbas said UCLG was the most important local management union of the world which administered more than half of the world population.
The joint management union meetings on the plan to beat the company's latest cash crisis are expected to be completed next week.
Union and management ratings of traditional and Interested-based bargaining, 1993-96 round of bargaining [Weighted data in percent] Traditional Interest-based Rating bargaining bargaining Union Management Union Management Excellent 7.4 4.3 10.0 14.7 Very good 30.4 18.1 21.1 25.8 Good 39.5 42.9 38.8 35.7 Fair 17.5 22.1 22.1 18.1 Poor 5.2 12.6 8.1 5.8
Consultant researchers dealing with joint management union teams require a full understanding of both management and union cultures[15].
Saturn, like NUMMI and Uddevalla, placed great emphasis on the joint management union member development of its mission and philosophy.
The company also had small group activities (SGA) and teams, regular departmental meetings for generating ideas, communication programmes through posters, leaflets, departmental meetings, and non-bargaining management union meetings (Sen 2010:444).
A second management union conference has been called for next Friday to try to formulate plans to save the jobs.
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