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(Clothing & Fashion) informal a small bag, usually with a shoulder strap, carried by a man and designed to contain personal articles
[C20: in allusion to handbag]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Instead I bought a man-bag that was worn on a strap from the shoulder and the bum bag was consigned to history.
A TEENAGER has been arrested after more than a kilogram of what is thought to have been heroin was found in a police operation that started with the seizure of a man-bag.
If your chap freaks |out at the thought of a man-bag, how about you compromise on a satchel.
Ronaldo came dressed for the occasion and brought with him a Gucci man-bag.
Choose the right man-bag, and it will be rugged enough you won't feel the need to hide it when your buddy jumps in your truck.
2: A man-bag is one of modern fashion's essentials - whether it's for your laptop and iPhone or beach book and sunscreen.
Items on sale included a diamond-studded gold belt buckle emblazoned with his initials and a chunky gold man-bag - large enough to carry all the cosmetics he appeared to be wearing at the launch party.
For the modern man who dares to carry a 'man-bag', look no further than British designer Paul Smith.
In the fashion world, the tiny dress size "size zero" is in the dictionary for the first time, as is "man-bag" and "pro-ana", the belief that anorexia is a viable lifestyle choice.
EVER worn budgie smugglers, slung your man-bag over your shoulder and chased away some laughing hoodies?
The former England skipper demonstrated his unique fashion sense in a baker boy's cap, waistcoat and giant man-bag, while his former Spice Girl wife stepped off the plane in a toga-style beige mini-dress worn over a white vest.
And David demonstrated his fashion sense in a baker-boy cap, waistcoat and giant "man-bag".