lower house

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lower house

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) one of the two houses of a bicameral legislature: usually the larger and more representative house. Also called: lower chamber Compare upper house
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

low′er house′

(ˈloʊ ər)
one of two branches of a legislature, generally larger and more representative than the upper branch.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in classic literature ?
There were assembled, in that lower house of the domestic parliament, the women-servants, Mr.
He was accustomed to talk largely about numbers of men--stimulated, as it was inferred, by certain successful disturbances, arising out of the same subject, which had occurred in Scotland in the previous year; was looked upon as a cracked-brained member of the lower house, who attacked all parties and sided with none, and was very little regarded.
In national politics, a member of the Lower House in this world, and without discernible hope of promotion in the next.
Lord Decimus being an overpowering peer, a bashful young member of the Lower House who was the last fish but one caught by the Barnacles, and who had been invited on this occasion to commemorate his capture, shut his eyes when his Lordship came in.
In the lower House were certain bedaubed walls, in the basest style of imitation, which made him feel faintly sick, not to speak of a lobby adorned with artless prints and photographs of eminent defunct Congressmen that was all too serious for a joke and too comic for a Valhalla.
I think the Lower House by far the greatest blow to a happy married life that there has been since that terrible thing called the Higher Education of Women was invented.
The lower house in Germany has approved plans for a bad bank.
By Muna Awwad When the Lower House of Parliament used its legislative authority as a tool against the Press sector, chief editors of local daily and weekly newspapers decided to react by boycotting the House's news.
''With consultation with the other coalition parties, the dissolution of the lower house would take place by the end of the current session'' on Oct.
In discussing the near-term political agenda, Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori came to a broad accord with New Komeito leader Takenori Kanzaki and Chikage Ogi, leader of Hoshuto, the recently formed conservative party, to call a lower house election in June.
Dead Sea, May.3 (Petra) -- Prime Minister, Hani Mulki and Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament, Atif Tarawneh attended the signing of agreements for the establishment of investment projects in the Kingdom and expanding others, at the Jordanian Economic Forum, which concluded Thursday in the Dead Sea.
According to an agenda for the Lower House's 22 March parliamentary session, lawmakers in the chamber are due tomorrow to select a speaker to replace Win Myint, who abruptly stepped down from the post on Wednesday.

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