line of vision

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line of vision

(Medicine) ophthalmol a straight line extending from the fovea centralis of the eye to an object on which the eye is focused. Also called: line of sight
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.line of vision - an imaginary straight line along which an observer looks
line - a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
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References in classic literature ?
That was all--there was no clear-cut horizontal line marking the dip of the globe below the line of vision.
We must have been struck squarely amidships, for I saw nothing, the strange steamboat having passed beyond my line of vision. The Martinez heeled over, sharply, and there was a crashing and rending of timber.
There was no one in sight to the left over a considerable expanse of roof-top, and to the right another building shut off his line of vision at about twenty feet.
``He was right in our goalkeeper's line of vision and if that is not active I don't know what is.
The firm's line of vision products includes a linear belt machine and a rotary machine.
However, the posterior ear canal bone compromises the line of vision into the posterior tympanum during such a procedure, and anatomic components of the posterior tympanum (e.g., the sinus tympani) cannot be easily visualized (figure 2, A).
Quality Station is a new line of vision inspection systems that features multi-camera capability and Plant Vision 7 software from Avalon Vision Solutions.
The kit allows the "smart labels" to be read even if the label is not in the line of vision.
Unlike traditional bar codes, RFID labels can be read even if the label is not in the line of vision of the reader-if it is hidden inside packaging, for example.
The monitor directly in the driver's line of vision provides all the information required at any time without distracting the driver from the traffic and road situation around him, since the monitor is in the driver's immediate line of vision to the road.
Too simple to put it on the top of the cistern, or either side of the cistern or on part of the wall that is in your line of vision.
I seriously wished to cause injury to the selfish swine merrily bouncing up and down in my line of vision. I suppose this is called Concert Rage.