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Adj.1.lilac-colored - of a pale purple color
chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
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References in classic literature ?
The birches with their sticky green leaves were motionless, and lilac-colored flowers and the first blades of green grass were pushing up and lifting last year's leaves.
Kourtney looked perfect in a lilac-colored minidress with black lace trim.
In the spring, usually just in time for the Spring Pilgrimage, when the wisteria blooms profusely and the arbor is covered with clusters of lilac-colored flowers, the arbor is a vision of loveliness.
"This way a lilac-colored building won't suddenly pop up in the middle of a row of half-timbered houses in Sauerland," says DE-sterdiek.
Donna's niece, Quynh, was the flower girl and wore a glittery lilac-colored dress.
The Tulipa bakeri has lilac-colored petals with yellow centers, and partners well with dwarf daffodils.
Made with natural wholesome milk from the Alps, represented by the famous lilac-colored Simmental cow, this leading European chocolate is yet another top-of-the-range product offering from Kraft Foods.
Water Mint Sake is a strongly scented perennial mint from Europe and Asia sprouting densely crowded lilac-colored flowers with a perfume like that of the bergamot orange.