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Related to liberationism: libertarianism


the principles of liberationists
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


the principles of the liberationists, an English society opposed to a state or established church and favoring disestablishment. — liberationist, n.
See also: Politics
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--.(2011a) Manifesto for Radical Liberationism: Total Liberation by Any Means Necessary, available at accessed May 2014).
(Nevertheless, this differs from South America's liberationism in liberation theology, and instead is a "liberating" state, as Schillebeeckx calls it in his reflections on Metz's political theology, see Schillebeeckx 2014b, 69-70).
He pushed beyond the otherworldly liberationism of 1970s Afrofuturism into what would become the peculiar aesthetic of '80s Detroit techno--a sound both space-age and on the ground, mothership and concrete, Utopian and resolutely political.
"That calling," Levin declares, "rather than a hyper-individualist liberationism, should be the organizing principle of our political life."
Fourth, the book addresses postcolonialism and liberationism as partners in praxis against imperial powers (188).
Second, it marked the beginnings of what became the black Baptist church movement in America, shaping issues of ecclesiology, theology, abolitionism, liberationism, and civil rights.
(3) A diferencia de los partidarios y partidarias de la proteccion, del "care" (caretaker thesis), que deniegan estos derechos (esta "capacidad") para la autodeterminacion forzosamente delegada a los sujetos adultos que tienen cuidado de los ninos y ninas como tales, el movimiento liberacionista de los ninos y ninas (child liberationism insiste sobre su necesaria autodeterminacion.
Dirk Visser (University of Groningen) talked about radical gay theatre and what he called the "ethics of AIDS", especially with reference to John Roman Baker's "AIDS Positive Underground Theatre", a company founded in the early 1990s, which uses the theatre as a radical space/mode of action beyond the dichotomy of assimilating into a society of capitalist consumption or earlier gay liberationism. A different form of opposition to mainstream culture is frequently performed by two American political theatre collectives, the women peace activists group "Code Pink" and Bill Talen's "Reverend Billy and the Life After Shopping", which were discussed by Pia Wiegmink (Johnannes Gutenberg-Universitat, Mainz) in her paper entitled "actEthics".
Declan Kiberd, in his annotated version of Ulysses points out that Bloom, "as internationalist and socialist," is able to contrast his "liberationism" to the Citizen's "nationalism" as well as "show how closely Irish nationalist ideas are based on the English model which they claim to contest" (Kiberd 1057).
(7) Though scholars like Edward Said have attempted to characterize Yeats's early verse as "liberationism and Utopian revolutionism," Stephen Reagan's essay "W.