law office

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law office

n (US) → Rechtsanwaltsbüro nt, → Rechtsanwaltspraxis f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
I found myself telling her everything: why I had decided to study law and to go into the law office of one of my mother's relatives in New York City; about Gaston Cleric's death from pneumonia last winter, and the difference it had made in my life.
The building was on Duane Street, just off Main Street, and had been used for years as a law office by the old man, who had become too feeble and forgetful for the practice of his profession but did not realize his inefficiency.
For five years before establishing the Newman Law Office, he was associate general counsel responsible for Japan and Asia-Pacific Affairs for Cadence Design Systems, a major Silicon Valley-based software and electronic engineering services company.
Ano ba naman pakialam nila na what happened to my law office (My children and I are being questioned about our law firm.
Melville, NY, June 11, 2018 --( The Law Office of William G.
California [USA], Dec 30 ( ANI ): Two persons, including a gunman, have been killed in a shooting at a Southern California law office.
Georgiades & Associates LLC law office who is also Vice President of the AEA -- Organisation of Lawyers.
Northumbria University has received the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for the outstanding community work of its Student Law Office, the highest form of national recognition for higher and further education.
After an opening chapter on law firm structure and regulation in the legal profession, the text covers areas such as law office communication, law office systems and calendars, law office accounting, and records management.
The award-winning student law office (SLO) at Northumbria University Law School offers a free legal advice and representation service to the public.
That a law office is not just another office setting in which to warm a chair.