land of milk and honey

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land of milk and honey

1. (Bible) Old Testament the land of natural fertility promised to the Israelites by God (Ezekiel 20:6)
2. any fertile land, state, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

land of milk and honey

- In the Bible, a land of prosperity and plenty promised by God to the Israelites.
See also related terms for prosperity.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The idea of America was incomprehensible without the millenarian notion of a new land of milk and honey to which one might go and build a Jerusalem on earth without waiting for the end of days, skipping the steps set out in the Old Testament and the Gospels.
Their ancestors were promised by God a land of milk and honey. After recently spending three full weeks in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, I must pay tribute to the modern-day Jews for converting Israel into more than what their forebears bargained for after spending 40 years in the desert under the leadership of Moses centuries ago.
"There will be some who will tell you that Brexit is a disaster for this country and some who will tell you that Brexit will create a land of milk and honey. The truth is more down to earth and it's in our hands: Brexit is what we make of it together" Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn "I remember going to a little service station and eating a pasty together" Geri Horner, describing one of the highlights of her time as a Spice Girl "Spineless and a disgrace" Former England footballer Gary Neville's opinion of Arsenal's performance against Manchester City in the Carabao Cup Final at Wembley "I am always buying books.
Land of Milk and Honey II, which can be seen in Gallery 12, is a sealed wood and glass vitrine of copper coins and congealed milk.
But bee's honey wasn't common in ancient Israel--in fact, "the land of milk and honey" of the Torah is a bit of a misnomer.
* Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki said at a debate organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that no one has illusions any more that the EU is going to solve all problems and that upon joining the EU, the country would transform into a land of milk and honey. "People have realized that membership does not solve problems such as unemployment and lack of investments and that it does not mean that someone else is going to solve your problems," he said.
We were known as the mother country and the land of milk and honey. We've been milked dry.
How could those in Government have any idea of hardship when many in the cabinet have always lived in the land of milk and honey. Those who are poor, infirm and disabled appear easy targets for benefit cuts.