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Adj.1.lance-shaped - shaped like a lance
formed - having or given a form or shape
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GINGER lilies, or hedychium, are a challenge for British gardeners to get to flower but their shiny dark green lance-shaped leaves on reed-like stems will add height and texture to a border.
Fritillaria imperialis, its botanic name, grows to about 1 meter in height and bears lance-shaped, glossy leaves at intervals along the stem.
The smooth, lance-shaped leaves of the plants known as leeks, wild garlic, or ramps have their own beauty.
Their arching, lance-shaped leaves are usually variegated with shades of silver, gray, pink or red.
The female of this genus has a long lance-shaped ovipositor used to open cracks in the leaf rachis, peduncle of bunches, floral branches, and fruits, where it lays eggs (Ferreira et al.
Known as the Japanese painted fern, this deciduous Athyrium has silver/grey lance-shaped foliage that spreads year after year.
The abundant soft, lance-shaped, narrow leaves grow to about 30mm long.
The fascinating trait of this plant is its young, deeply cut and lance-shaped leaflets, which turn or orient themselves so that the leaf edges face north and south, wherever the plant is grown.
BEST OF THE BUNCH LILY OF THE VALLEY This delicate-looking but toughas-old-boots perennial is one of the scented highlights of late spring and early summer, when its fragrant white or pink bell-shaped flowers appear amid lance-shaped green leaves.
Best of the bunch - Lily of the Valley THIS delicate-looking but toughas-old-boots perennial is one of the scented highlights of late spring and early summer, when its fragrant white or pink bell-shaped flowers appear amid lance-shaped green leaves.
The leaves pattern is alternate (leaf attachments are singular at nodes, and leaves alternate direction, to a greater or lesser degree, along the stem) on the stem, lanceolate (a type of leaf shape which means that Lance-shaped, Long, wider in the middle), with a length ranges from 2 cm to 8 cm and the width ranges from 2 mm to 10 mm.