labor union

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labor union

An organization of workers formed for the purpose of serving the members' interests with respect to wages and working conditions.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

la′bor un`ion

an organization of wage earners or salaried employees for mutual aid and protection and for dealing collectively with employers; trade union.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.labor union - an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employerlabor union - an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer; "you have to join the union in order to get a job"
organization, organisation - a group of people who work together
industrial union, vertical union - a labor union that admits all workers in a given industry irrespective of their craft
craft union - a labor union whose membership is restricted to workers in a particular craft
company union - a union of workers for a single company; a union not affiliated with a larger union
labor movement, trade union movement, labor - an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement
I.W.W., Industrial Workers of the World, IWW - a former international labor union and radical labor movement in the United States; founded in Chicago in 1905 and dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism; its membership declined after World War I
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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labor union

(Am) nsindacato
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

labor union

نِقَابَةُ عُمَّال odbory fagforening Gewerkschaft συνδικάτο sindicato ammattiyhdistys syndicat sindikat sindacato 労働組合 노동조합 vakbond fagforening związek zawodowy sindicato профсоюз fackförening สหภาพแรงงาน sendika công đoàn 工会
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
He and Ruth's father were discussing labor union politics, the local situation, and socialism, and Mr.
Out of the vast army of the unemployed the strike-breakers were recruited; and when the strike- breakers were worsted by the labor unions, the troops always appeared and crushed the unions.
There's the labor unions an' employers' associations, an' strikes', an' hard times, an' huntin' for jobs, an' all the rest.
He will know the gossip of the street, the demands of the labor unions, and the policies of governors and presidents.
In the city there was a combination of employers, representing hundreds of millions of capital, and formed for the purpose of crushing the labor unions. The chief union which troubled it was the teamsters'; and when these freight tunnels were completed, connecting all the big factories and stores with the railroad depots, they would have the teamsters' union by the throat.
Rallies were administrated in different parts of the city by the Pakistan Irrigation Labor Union, All Pakistan Hydro employees union in which hundreds of employees participated.
QUETTA: All the legitimate issues of labor union would be resolve impartially.
One notable achievement was in 2012, when over 40 of the biggest local labor federations like the moderate Associated Labor Union (ALU) and the Federation of Free Workers (FFW) formed the Nagkaisa (United) labor coalition to push for reforms in government policies on contractualization and wages.
DHABEJI -- The leaders of the CBA Labor Union including Syed Munawar Raza, Rahim Awan, Mohtaram Shah and others held a meeting with the leaders of the Peoples Labor Union Syed Mohsin Raza, Mirza Wasim Baig, Yasin Lasi and others on Tuesday.
Three-day ongoing strike at Port Qasim Authority (PQA) by People's Labor Union came to an end after the successful negotiations with the PQA management.
Oracle Korea's labor union will go on a three-day strike from Wednesday to protest what they call low wages and poor working conditions.
The GAWA alliance of labor unions as quoted by a national newspaper could have used same the words uttered by union leaders by Isabelo delos Reyes and Herminigildo Cruz of the first labor union called Union Obrero Democratia de Filipinas in 1903: 'We reiterate the call for the emancipation of the poor workers from the bondage of unjust poverty and exploitation.