judgment call

Also found in: Idioms.

judg′ment call`

1. a decision made by a referee or umpire in a sporting event that is based on personal observation of a disputed play.
2. any subjective or debatable determination.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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'It was a crucial call but I think it was a judgment call of the referee and we could also see it on the replay,' said Valdez.
Ex-party general secretary Lord David Triesman attacked leader Jeremy Corbyn and said: "My sad conclusion is the Labour Party is plainly institutionally anti-Semitic, and its leader and his circle have never once made the right judgment call about an issue reflecting deep prejudice."
Mr Bolland said: "On a personal note, I feel some of those reforms can be done and should be done, and it is the best judgment call for Britain to wait to see what the reforms are before taking a point of view."
In the remainder of the paper, I analyze sequential situations in the NBA using play-by-play data to investigate the changes in probability of particular referee judgment calls following a recent judgment call on the opposing team.
Perhaps FGW would show us the data so that we can see whether there is any rational basis for their unconsulted judgment call? Michael Levi, Professor of Criminology Cardiff University
Yesterday, the league described the controversial play as a judgment call.
West Midlands Ambulance Service has apologised - explaining that crews were dealing with a flood of 999 calls and that the control centre made a judgment call because the patient was breathing, conscious and indoors.
Military action is always a judgment call and messing with Serbia over Kosovo could quite as easily have gone hideously wrong.
Work to complete a relief well that would end the three-month-old Gulf of Mexico oil leak disaster has been temporarily halted to prepare for rough weather expected in the area.A tropical depression in the Bahamas was forecast to move into the eastern and central Gulf in the next several days.The stormy weather could require reopening the cap that has contained the oil for a week, allowing oil from the blown-out ocean-floor well to once again flow freely into the sea while engineers wait for the bad weather to pass."This is necessarily going to be a judgment call," said retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the government official in charge of overseeing the response by BP to the catastrophe.
"Businesses in Liverpool are making a judgment call on whether it's better for them to keep on chasing debts, or to invest their resources elsewhere."