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v. in·formed, in·form·ing, in·forms
a. To impart information to; make aware of something: We were informed by mail of the change in plans. The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.
b. To acquaint (oneself) with knowledge of a subject.
a. To give form or character to; imbue with a quality or an essence: "A society's strength is measured by ... its ability to inform a future generation with its moral standards" (Vanity Fair).
b. To be a formative or characterizing presence in; animate: "It is this brash, backroom sensibility that informs his work as a novelist" (Jeff Shear).
3. Obsolete To form (the mind or character) by teaching or training.
1. To give or provide information.
2. To disclose confidential or incriminating information to an authority: The defendant informed against the other members of the ring.

[Middle English enfourmen, informen, from Old French enfourmer, from Latin īnfōrmāre : in-, in; see in-2 + fōrmāre, to fashion (from fōrma, form).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.informing - to furnish incriminating evidence to an officer of the law (usually in return for favors)
disclosure, revealing, revelation - the speech act of making something evident
2.informing - a speech act that conveys informationinforming - a speech act that conveys information
speech act - the use of language to perform some act
apprisal, notification, telling - informing by words
divine revelation, revelation - communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency
intro, introduction, presentation - formally making a person known to another or to the public
briefing - detailed instructions, as for a military operation
report, account - the act of informing by verbal report; "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"; "by all accounts they were a happy couple"
warning - a message informing of danger; "a warning that still more bombs could explode"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
I did not forget to strengthen my case by informing her of the jealousies she would encounter, and the obstacles she would meet, if she went on the stage.
One morning my father received a letter from Lady Malkinshaw herself, informing him, in a handwriting crooked with poignant grief, and blotted at every third word by the violence of virtuous indignation, that "Thersites Junior" was his own son, and that, in one of the last of the "ribald's" caricatures her own venerable features were unmistakably represented as belonging to the body of a large owl!
Under these fortunate circumstances, I was able to keep up my character among my friends, when they inquired about the scuffle, by informing them that Gentleman Jones had audaciously slapped my face, and that I had been obliged to retaliate by knocking him down.
The first thing in the morning I sent a polite note to Gentleman Jones, informing him that I had abandoned all idea of exhibiting his likeness to the public in my series of prints, and giving him full permission to inspect every design I made before it went out of the prison.
(informing me that our emissary had started on his voyage) returned a receipt in due form, and the whole of the surplus money, to the last farthing!
The container-conduit metaphor: The process of informing
But when the very process of informing the patient of all the risks of a proposed treatment would create significant additional risks for the patient, the consent process may be modified.
He said Smartmatic changed the script before informing the parties present.
These regulations have led the physicians to the necessity of informing the patients about likely complicaitons.
Examining the Informing View of Organization: Applying Theoretical and Managerial Approaches
ISLAMABAD -- Supreme Court (SC ) has summoned secretary establishment division on July, 21 in the case of making two bureaucrats husband and his spouse OSD and later retiring them from service without informing them.
This volume attempts to come to terms with the question by examining the law and literature on informed consent in order to: identify the key issues of informed consent in the psychoanalytic context; examine the psychoanalytic implications of informing patients, including the possibility that it is countertherapeutic; report on a survey of the informed consent views and practices of psychoanalysts across the United States; and draw conclusions.