industrial tribunal

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industrial tribunal

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (in Northern Ireland and formerly elsewhere in the UK) a tribunal that rules on disputes between employers and employees regarding unfair dismissal, redundancy, etc
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Melisande Bassett, has given notice that the union intends to seek a strike vote on outstanding issues facing doctors even as the government moved to end a strike by medical practitioners by filing the matter with the Industrial Tribunal.
"Labour Courts, industrial tribunals and two Central government Industrial Tribunal (CGIT) have been shifted to Rouse Avenue and will commence operations from May 1," reads a notification by the High Court Registrar General Dinesh Kumar Sharma.
The Scottish Police Authority were told by the Supreme Court in London and an industrial tribunal in Glasgow to give Fiona McBride her old job back.
NUT should use an industrial tribunal WHY are the NUT so blatantly ignoring the educational needs of children at Small Heath School by pursuing further strike action in support of their union rep?
For example, in The Queen v Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration; Ex parte Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board, (57) Barwick CJ opposed granting the industrial tribunal the right to force the employer in certain circumstances to operate trams and buses with two employees rather than one.
Judges ruled that the case should be remitted for reconsideration by a newly constituted industrial tribunal panel.
A SCHOOLTEACHER fighting to save her career will be back before an industrial tribunal next month.
But an industrial tribunal has ordered council bosses to give him back his pounds 31,000-a-year job.
A SPIRITUALIST who claimed he was fired as a police trainer because of his beliefs has lost an industrial tribunal.
IN TROUBLED economic times, disputes between employers and employees can soar and firms often find themselves involved in an industrial tribunal.
Angelo Russo, 39, of North View, Stanley, County Durham, was sacked by Mechanical Site Maintenance Limited, last year and was awarded pounds 9,545.94 for unfair dismissal at an industrial tribunal in Newcastle, in June.
An industrial tribunal ruled that he had been unfairly dismissed from Corley Special School four years ago, following the incident, but that he hadn't handled the situation which led to the autistic child being injured very well.

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