idol worship

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.idol worship - the worship of idolsidol worship - the worship of idols; the worship of images that are not God
worship - the activity of worshipping
iconolatry - the worship of sacred images
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"Though we are going eco-friendly with the decorations and idol worship, our Mandal has decided that this year we will offer saplings to the Lord and then will distribute them among the people with the message of 'Go Green' which will not only make the celebration eco-friendly but will also create awareness about environment conservation," Deshpande explained.
Almost all of them, except a few, promoted real idol worship in various forms.
Others, like idol worship, call for execution; but the Talmud itself boasts that in the days of the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish court of the Second Temple period, death sentences were almost never enforced.
Islam attempted to prevent any appearance of the elements of idol worship in order to destroy the source of this spiritual and mental disease.
The Taliban and their distaste for iconographic art did not arise from an Islamic repulsion for idol worship. Theirs was not the continuation of an Islamic practice.
Here lies the reason for idol worship by Hindus: It is not because I believe that a physical object is God; it is because every time I wake up and look at her, I am reminded of how I am like the Goddess Never Not Broken.
Similarly, Al Shareef said, Mada'in Saleh in Saudi Arabia closed down at some point after rumours that it was a cursed place where the Thamudis were punished for their practice of idol worship. "The truth is Mada'in Saleh is a place of monumental tombs of the Nabatean kingdom," said Al Shareef.
But controversy, too, has followed his works.In February 2014, a sculpture he had made for the Sikh community in Kisumu was destroyed days after its installation because some locals argued it encouraged idol worship.
Christians adopted the Jewish stance toward Greek and Roman idol worship, claiming a sharp division between those who served one God and the rest who worshiped many gods, who were effectively non-gods (Meeks 166).
A senior cleric says modern Western civilization is nothing more than the idol worship of ancient history wrapped in new coat.
( Kalburgi was shot and killed in August for his nonfiction works criticizing idol worship in India.