ideas of reference

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Related to ideas of reference: Magical thinking

ideas of reference

pl n
(Psychiatry) a schizophrenic symptom in which the patient thinks that things completely disconnected from him are influencing him or conveying messages to him
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They take the form of nine subscales (excessive social anxiety, constricted affect, no close friends, suspiciousness, ideas of reference, magical thinking, unusual perceptual experiences, odd speech, and odd behavior).
Her belief was accompanied by ideas of reference; that is, she thought that other people took special notice of the odor in a negative way; she performed repetitive behaviors of multiple daily showers and use of vaginal washing soaps daily.
ESQUIZO-Q-A comprises a total of 23 statements with a Likert-type response format in 5 categories (from 1 "totally disagree" to 5 "totally agree") distributed across 3 subscales derived empirically: Reality Distortion (Magical Thinking, Unusual Perceptual Experiences and Paranoid Ideation), Anhedonia (Physical Anhedonia and Social Anhedonia) and Interpersonal Disorganization (Odd Thinking and Speech, Ideas of Reference, Odd Behavior, Lack of Close Friends and Excessive Social Anxiety).
* result in positive symptoms, such as ideas of reference or paranoid delusions, when the individual with schizophrenia misperceives ordinary social cues as "threats."