humanistic discipline

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Noun1.humanistic discipline - studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills)humanistic discipline - studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills); "the college of arts and sciences"
discipline, field of study, subject area, subject field, bailiwick, subject, field, study - a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
neoclassicism - revival of a classical style (in art or literature or architecture or music) but from a new perspective or with a new motivation
classicalism, classicism - a movement in literature and art during the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe that favored rationality and restraint and strict forms; "classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans"
Romantic Movement, Romanticism - a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization; "Romanticism valued imagination and emotion over rationality"
English - the discipline that studies the English language and literature
history - the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings; "he teaches Medieval history"; "history takes the long view"
art history - the academic discipline that studies the development of painting and sculpture
chronology - the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events
beaux arts, fine arts - the study and creation of visual works of art
performing arts - arts or skills that require public performance
Occidentalism - the scholarly knowledge of western cultures and languages and people
Oriental Studies, Orientalism - the scholarly knowledge of Asian cultures and languages and people
philosophy - the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics
literary study - the humanistic study of literature
library science - the study of the principles and practices of library administration
philology, linguistics - the humanistic study of language and literature
musicology - the scholarly and scientific study of music
Sinology - the study of Chinese history and language and culture
stemmatics, stemmatology - the humanistic discipline that attempts to reconstruct the transmission of a text (especially a text in manuscript form) on the basis of relations between the various surviving manuscripts (sometimes using cladistic analysis); "stemmatology also plays an important role in musicology"; "transcription errors are of decisive importance in stemmatics"
trivium - (Middle Ages) an introductory curriculum at a medieval university involving grammar and logic and rhetoric; considered to be a triple way to eloquence
quadrivium - (Middle Ages) a higher division of the curriculum in a medieval university involving arithmetic and music and geometry and astronomy
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This conception falls outside the realm of phenomenology as a humanistic discipline and instead offers a view of phenomenology as the scientific study of (musical) essences.
A Debate on Research and the Future of Academia concerns recent trends on academic entrepreneurship with regards to literary studies, traditionally considered a humanistic discipline with no business projection.
In trying "to do justice to every modern humanistic discipline," he identifies himself as a practitioner in the philological line, offering "a history: a sustained argument about change over time, cast in the form of empirical description" (381).
Renaissance academic medicine was both a scientific or technical profession and a humanistic discipline requiring skill in oratory and epideictic rhetoric.
Whether or not this view of "art history as a humanistic discipline"-to invoke the title of a famous essay by Erwin Panofsky--has proven to be the case in the actual sense of the lived experience of individual art historians, its strength as myth is found in the resistance, until very recently, to the exploration of issues of identity and subjectivity in the discipline as a whole.
Literary criticism, it might seem, faces almost total disintegration; the welter of competing 'approaches' threatens irresoluble fragmentation in methodology, the attack on the literary canon undermines the very subject-matter of literary education (without canonical works there is no literature), and, at a deeper level, 'deconstructionists' seek to erode the core concepts at the very foundations of any humanistic discipline: self, autonomy, meaning, objectivity, truth, world.
Irving Lavin, in Iconography as a Humanistic Discipline, surveys Erwin Panofsky's seminal contribution to the study of art history.
Law must be regarded as a humanistic discipline and not directed at the production goals of crime control.
This article rejects this pessimistic conclusion by arguing that such criticisms employ a conception of progress drawn from the sciences, a conception which is inapplicable to a humanistic discipline such as philosophy.
He examines the essays "The History of Art as a Humanistic Discipline" (1940) and "Perspective as Symbolic Form" (1925), the latter revised and republished as the introduction to Early Netherlandish Painting.
"Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline" by Bernard Williams, in The Threepenny Review (Spring 2001), P.O.
Yet of the talk-show hosts and even the "respected" newscasters and journalists who frame our national political debate, none (to anyone's knowledge) hold advanced degrees in political science, history, economics, or any relevant humanistic discipline. Few even have undergraduate degrees in a discipline that would allow them to enter a discourse with the great thinkers of the past concerning Politics - or even to make a systematic study of the ideas behind the U.S.

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