hostile environment

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Related to hostile environment: Hostile work environment

hostile environment

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
We were not fighters like them; we were cunning and cowardly, and it was because of our cunning and cowardice, and our inordinate capacity for fear, that we survived in that frightfully hostile environment of the Younger World.
So the cub had no quarrel with his hostile environment. He was very much alive, very happy, and very proud of himself.
"This is a huge step aimed at tackling the legacy of state atheism, thus giving children who believe in God a chance to feel like they are at home at school, rather than in a hostile environment," asserted the Rev.
"Manchild in the Promised Land," writes literary critic, Penelope Lefew, "continues to hold its place in the African American literary canon as one of the first works to portray accurately and honestly the Black struggle against a hostile environment and social system"
Horses are being bred for offspring that are suited to survive in a hostile environment."
Allegations that a racially hostile environment existed at one high school led to a district-wide training session on cultural sensitivity.
The bottom of the deep ocean is a hostile environment, explains Geller.
The company also had become a more hostile environment for Glasco: Kudelka had renewed his contract in June, and her fellow dancers had hired their own lawyer and signed a letter supporting the rights of an artistic director over all artistic matters, including casting.
Hostile environment sexual harassment problems have soared during the same time period we have have seen the quid pro quo sexual harassment decline.
Rather, this remarkable speech restriction is hostile environment harassment law.
If the people on top set a bad model for the troops, employees leave because they think it's a hostile environment. And there can be lawsuits."
The decision could lead to the increased use of speech codes, to insure that one student's dirty joke or romantic overture doesn't become another student's hostile environment. But because speech codes raise serious First Amendment concerns, schools may be put on the razor's edge of liability.