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(Historical Terms) (formerly) the governor or prince of Moldavia or Wallachia under Ottoman rule
[C17: via Romanian from Ukrainian, from hospod' lord; related to Russian gospodin courtesy title, Old Slavonic gospodǐ lord]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There was a Madame de Raudon, who certainly had a matinee musicale at Wildbad, accompanied by Herr Spoff, premier pianist to the Hospodar of Wallachia, and my little friend Mr.
We have two newspapers published entirely in Czech, Nasinec (weekly) and Hospodar (monthly).
M., Catena, M., Twardzik, E., Hospodar, C., Cook, E., Ayyagari, A.,...
Niphon (1414-1440 until 1508), who, upon the invitation of the Hospodar Radu IV the Great, spent 1501-1505 in Wallachia and adjourned to Mount Athos afterwards where he died in the Dionision monastery in 1508.
It was really a case of touch and go as the young Prince Nicolae Alexandru Basarab, the future ruling prince (hospodar) of Wallachia, was himself of such favourable disposition towards Roman Catholicism that he was much lauded by Pope Clement VI in an official document dated 17 October 1345 and sent to King Louis the Great (Nagy Lajos) of Hungary.