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As images the other day indicated, GMA is now the most loved member of the HOR. The love can disappear overnight; love and loyalty are tenuous in this house.
It also noted that the arguments against the validity of the proposed legislation in accordance with the Constitution and international human rights law were 'seriously disregarded' by the HOR.
Its leadership is currently drawing up a new list of ministers after seeing two proposed cabinets rejected by the HOR. The NOC announced a deal to unite in July.
The HoR Camp: The secular groups launched a campaign to elect a "genuinely-democratic" HoR. But the Islamists fought back, calling the rivals "atheists" and causing unrest which led to a low turn-out: Only 18% of Libyans voted for the HoR.
Egypt's foreign ministry has repeatedly expressed its support for the House of Representatives, even in the wake of a ruling by Libya's Supreme Court ordering the disbanding of the HoR. The court is based in Tripoli which is mostly under the control of Islamist militia coalition Libya Dawn, which supports the GNC.
During the times of some Hor Governors, such as Rimshi Menla, Rimshi Kashopa and Taiji Khungrampa, some tribal leaders of Hor rebelled against them, and the Tibetan government was forced to call back the Governors from Hor.
"They occasionally come to the museum on weekends and just seem to want to be in the presence of Tem Hor.