heart line

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Related to heart line: palm reading
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.heart line - a crease on the palmheart line - a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates your emotional nature
crinkle, wrinkle, furrow, crease, seam, line - a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface; "his face has many lines"; "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles"
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Wilson began to study Luigi's palm, tracing life lines, heart lines, head lines, and so on, and noting carefully their relations with the cobweb of finer and more delicate marks and lines that enmeshed them on all sides; he felt of the fleshy cushion at the base of the thumb and noted its shape; he felt of the fleshy side of the hand between the wrist and the base of the little finger and noted its shape also; he painstakingly examined the fingers, observing their form, proportions, and natural manner of disposing themselves when in repose.
Family flowers only but donations may be made to Huddersfield Heart Line - a collection will be taken at the crematorium for this purpose.
| Westcott bedstead, from PS550; ornamental mirror, PS175; Westcott silver ottoman, PS225; Westcott |silver chair; PS110; dressing table, PS425; Elegant Hydrangea cotton sateen print bed set, from PS35; set of two housewife pillowcases; PS12; Hydrangea white wallpaper - PS18/roll; Elegant Hydrangea rug, from PS80, set of three boxes, PS20; Arabella stick lamp, PS26; Auden three - light, PS65; chest, PS325, metal lantern, PS35; framed butterfly, PS30 set of two nudes, PS130; glass heart line lamp, PS20, all Next
"My messages on the Tough Skin Soft Heart line of greeting cards and postcards uplift and empower women who lead, love and serve in dynamic ways," Cohen said.
According to him, Prince Harry has a blunted line of emotion (heart line) that is often a response to a divorce of parents, loss of a parent or sense of abandonment by the parents.
Similar bell jars available from M&| Westcott bedstead, from PS550; ornamental mirror, PS175; Westcott silver ottoman, PS225; Westcott silver chair; PS110; dressing table, PS425; Elegant Hydrangea cotton sateen print bed set, from PS35; set of two housewife pillowcases; PS12; Hydrangea white wallpaper - PS18/roll; Elegant Hydrangea rug, from PS80, set of three boxes, PS20; Arabella stick lamp, PS26; Auden three - light, PS65; chest, PS325, metal lantern, PS35; framed butterfly, PS30 set of two nudes, PS130; glass heart line lamp, PS20, all Next KEEP bedtimes snuggly even when using crisp masculine tones and accessories.
market is Celebrate Health - Food with Heart line. Available through Passage Foods USA, the Australian food line is gluten-free, low-fructose, peanut-free, 100 percent natural and dairy-free.
The three basic lines are the life line, heart line, and health line.
Westcott bedstead, from PS550; ornamental mirror, PS175; Westcott silver ottoman, PS225; Westcott silver chair; PS110; dressing table, PS425; Elegant Hydrangea cotton sateen print bed set, from PS35; set of two housewife pillowcases; PS12; Hydrangea white wallpaper - PS18/roll; Elegant Hydrangea rug, from PS80, set of three boxes, PS20; Arabella stick lamp, PS26; Auden three - light, PS65; chest, PS325, metal lantern, PS35; framed butterfly, PS30 set of two nudes, PS130; glass heart line lamp, PS20, all Next
Similar bell jars available from M&| Westcott bedstead, from PS550; ornamental mirror, PS175; Westcott silver ottoman, PS225; Westcott |silver chair; PS110; dressing table, PS425; Elegant Hydrangea cotton sateen print bed set, from PS35; set of two housewife pillowcases; PS12; Hydrangea white wallpaper - PS18/roll; Elegant Hydrangea rug, from PS80, set of three boxes, PS20; Arabella stick lamp, PS26; Auden three - light, PS65; chest, PS325, metal lantern, PS35; framed butterfly, PS30 set of two nudes, PS130; glass heart line lamp, PS20, all Next KEEP bedtimes snuggly even when using crisp masculine tones and accessories.