head of household

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.head of household - the head of a household or family or tribe
chief, top dog, head - a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"
materfamilias, matriarch - a female head of a family or tribe
paterfamilias, patriarch - the male head of family or tribe
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References in classic literature ?
If each head of household expenditure had been mentioned to him beforehand, he would have probably observed that "it could hardly come to much," and if any one had suggested a saving on a particular article-- for example, the substitution of cheap fish for dear-- it would have appeared to him simply a penny-wise, mean notion.
Similarly, some children living in a low-income household or one in which the head of household had less than a high school education were reported to start toothbrushing at age [greater than or equal to] 3 years.
It is said that Sam promised Tyler, who is her ally, safety this week and he dropped, allowing Sam to be the next Head of Household.
According to the respondents, when the head of household as a decision-maker seeks interests of his/her family members and tries to provide learning opportunities for them and develop their decision-making skills, especially for young members, he/she considers collective decision-making a way to reduce conflicts.
The new law nearly doubles the standard deduction to $24,000 (from $13,000) for those married filing jointly, $18,000 (from $9,550) for head of household filers, and $12,000 (from $6,500) for single filers.
"We welcome this change, which will lead to a more secure register and replace the outdated Victorian concept that a single 'head of household' is responsible for registering everyone."
The "Head of Household" can then redeem points from the family account for any family member's travel.
From the outside, they are a family with everything, but what they are missing is joy and the freedom to express themselves without reprisals from the dominating head of household. Kimbili and her brother stay with their aunt, a university professor, and experience a freer, if less luxurious, life.
For some families Entzminger's entry consists merely of the name of the head of household and the name of the spouse with approximate birth date and birth state.
The author's family had many struggles resulting from the death of the head of household, Jim Crow segregation and economic difficulties.
The group has also obtained a street directory, from 1912-13, listing each head of household, and occupation, in Nuneaton, Attleborough, Chilvers Coton, Bedworth and Exhall.
The mean age of the head of household was 39 years, the head of household was a woman in 98% of families, and 5% were married.

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