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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.haymaking - taking full advantage of an opportunity while it lasts
accomplishment, achievement - the action of accomplishing something
2.haymaking - cutting grass and curing it to make hay
toil, labor, labour - productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
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[ˈheɪmeɪkɪŋ] Nsiega f del heno, recolección f del heno
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈheɪˌmeɪkɪŋ] nfienagione f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Confronting him, in the room in which he sat, was a boy's portrait, which anybody seeing him would have identified as Master Christopher Casby, aged ten: though disguised with a haymaking rake, for which he had had, at any time, as much taste or use as for a diving-bell; and sitting (on one of his own legs) upon a bank of violets, moved to precocious contemplation by the spire of a village church.
"Jo talks about the country where we hope to live sometime--the real country, she means, with pigs and chickens and haymaking. It would be nice, but I wish the beautiful country up there was real, and we could ever go to it," said Beth musingly.
However, Tess became humanely beneficent towards the small ones, and to help them as much as possible she used, as soon as she left school, to lend a hand at haymaking or harvesting on neighbouring farms; or, by preference, at milking or butter-making processes, which she had learnt when her father had owned cows; and being deft-fingered it was a kind of work in which she excelled.
Time was when travel-stained pilgrims rode in clattering parties through the city's welcome shades; time is when wayfarers, leading a gipsy life between haymaking time and harvest, and looking as if they were just made of the dust of the earth, so very dusty are they, lounge about on cool door-steps, trying to mend their unmendable shoes, or giving them to the city kennels as a hopeless job, and seeking others in the bundles that they carry, along with their yet unused sickles swathed in bands of straw.
Fields were nigh at hand, through which the New River took its winding course, and where there was merry haymaking in the summer time.
It had been raining 'most every day for three weeks, and it was just in haymaking time, and everybody thought the hay was going to be ruined, and old Layton got up and prayed that God would send gentle showers on the growing crops, and I heard Uncle Roger whisper to a fellow behind me, 'If somebody don't choke him off we won't get the hay made this summer.'"
It'll be a sore time for th' haymaking if the meadows are flooded again.
In my room there were oval engravings of the months--ladies haymaking in short waists and large hats tied under the chin, for June; smooth-legged noblemen pointing with cocked-hats to village steeples, for October.
Have-a-go activities on the day include haymaking, orienteering, apple pressing and fossil finding.
The picnickers panic and the farmer stops haymaking. The wasps are noisy, nasty and worst of all, they don't mind who they sting!
But the weather, with rain earlier in the year and sunshine now, has meant good news for haymaking.