green belt

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green belt

1. (Environmental Science) a zone of farmland, parks, and open country surrounding a town or city: usually officially designated as such and preserved from urban development
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

green belt

n (round town) → cintura di verde
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Chairman PHA Ijaz Jangua and DG PHA Zahid Ikram expressed these views during visit to Madni Park and various green belts here on Friday.
Jenrick's comments on his first day in the role come in the same week that his government colleague Jacob Rees-Mogg, the new leader of the House of Commons, co-authored a report calling for green belt land to be "selectively re-classified" to help solve the housing crisis.
The Government has for the first time published data showing land use across the UK, indicating that thousands of hectares of green belt land are now sites for homes, businesses and rubbish dumps.
Figures released for 2017 show that five per cent of land within Shropshire's green belt boundary was considered developed - compared to eight per cent across England.
Since it was announced, the plan has sparked controversy over attempts to remove protected status from several green spaces - 3% of the total green belt.
Green belts in Karachi present a deserted look although green belts are made for plantation but situation is entirely opposite to what green belts are meant for.
Under bosses' new strategic allocation, around 2,790 homes and 175,000 sqm of employment space would be built on land designated as green belt.
MULTAN -- Director General Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Ali Akbar Bhatti has said that the department would plant maximum grass, trees and flowers at green belts of the city.
Before that, the green belt in Coventry had stayed the same size as it had been since at least March 2010, when the Government's green belt data records start.
According to the council's Local Plan, thecity will grow over the next14 years, but it will also see the loss of ten per cent of the city's green belt.
The North Cheshire green belt, part of the larger North West green belt, occupies land in Cheshire West and Chester roughly to the north of the Chester to Manchester road.