grazing land

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Related to grazing land: pasture, pasture land
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.grazing land - a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestockgrazing land - a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
common land, commons - a pasture subject to common use
cow pasture - a pasture for cows
grassland - land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life
rural area, country - an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country"
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References in classic literature ?
The cornfields were far apart in those times, with miles of wild grazing land between.
My country extends from Polodona (Equator) north ten karads and from the tenth karad west of Horz to the twentieth west, including thus a million square haads, the greater proportion of which is fine grazing land where run our great herds of thoats and zitidars.
At intervals there are gates through which the flocks are turned on to the grazing land south of the city during the daytime.
By contrast, cattle grazing land, which was 39 per cent in 1963, grew to encompass 94 per cent of the land ten years later.
Before them, it was the ranchers, who wanted and got cheap grazing land, and miners, who got bargain-basement mineral claims.
The administrator together with 25 others posed as members of Kishushe Ranching and Cooperative Society Limited and negotiated with the herder for allocation of grazing land within the 60 000 acre ranch in Kishushe.The suspects were arrested on Monday and spent the night at Wundanyi Police Station.
Assistant Minister of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services says in 2012 the wildlife management area (WMA) SO2 was dezoned from WMA into communal grazing land and assessments for fenced ranching is ongoing in the area.
Other lots in the Huddersfield areas include grazing land at Arkenley Lane, Almondbury (guide PS60,000 plus); land at the junction of Hillhouse Lane and Bradford Road, Fartown (PS50,000-plus); grazing land at Reinwood Road, (PS15,000-plus); plus land adjacent to 164 Deighton Road, Huddersfield, with outline planning for five houses or a care home (PS125,000).
A RARE chance has arisen to buy a country hotel with its own lake and grazing land.
ISIOLO, Kenya, Safar 6, 1433, Dec 31, 2011, SPA -- Fighting between pastoralists over grazing land in drought-hit northern Kenya killed at least nine people on Friday, the latest in a string of deadly clashes this year, Reuters quoted the police as saying.
Lot 1 comprises a four bedroom house with outbuildings set in approximately 2.2 acres of land and Lot 2 comprises approximately 25.8 acres of grazing land (of which approximately three acres are amenity woodland) plus derelict building with planning potential.