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A Spanish word meaning thank you.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Gracias, a new mobile app focused on Bitcoin, is working to make crypto accessible for a broader consumer market by integrating familiar and easy-to-use social media functionality like messaging, gifs and emojis, the company said.
Taking the stage, the director said, "Gracias. Gracias.
"We must repent, and do so together, collegially, because along the way we have failed," said Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias. "We need to seek pardon."
Nos gustaria dar las gracias a toda la Enfermeria Nefrologica, gracias, por las innumerables muestras de carino y apoyo que recibimos desde que comenzamos con este proyecto, lo que no hace mas que ratificar nuestra acertada decision de representar a nuestra querida SEDEN.
En 2012 las autoras del libro que resenamos ofrecieron, tambien gracias al Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, una importante biografia del arzobispo de Granada don Pedro Guerrero, uno de los principales lideres del concilio de Trento en sus estapas segunda y tercera (resena en AHIG, 22 [2013], pp.
"SME owners should register even if they think they fall below the threshold; if the authorities find out taxes that should have been paid have not been, that is a serious offence that comes with its own penalties," said Bianca Gracias, General Counsel, Suits Advisors.
Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias suggested the nine-member group might recommend that ambassadors be instructed to consult with members of a diocese's pastoral or finance councils before passing on names of who to consider for bishop.